New Facility Information

This early drawing shows the new facility itself, as if the roof has been removed.  Read CEO update below…

Below is a sketch of the YMCA entrance to the new building.

CEO Update –  February, 2011
Many of you have, no doubt, read/heard bits and pieces of information related to our ongoing capital project at Meadowview.  I’d like to give you my version of our progress and status to date.

First of all, the YMCA’s building project is alive and well.  In fact, last week we began discussing material and finishes with our interior designer.  We are completing the construction documents now and preparing the Bid Package for bids this spring.

Since the building site is in a designated wetland area, work must be done to prepare it for building. The City is expecting to receive the permit to begin that work any time.  While this is the City’s responsibility, the issuance of the permit has been in the hands of the state since last fall and is the culprit in the delayed timeline.  As soon as the permit is received, the trucks are ready to begin moving dirt and preparing the site.

As for the relationship and the operation of the facility, we have moved from discussions on our Memo of Understanding to developing the final legal agreements necessary for this type of relationship.  While there will be separate entrances and locker rooms, members of the YMCA will have direct and efficient access to the aquatic facilities.  A great deal of effort is being made to meet everyone’s needs, while maintaining efficiencies of operation.

It is important to keep reminding ourselves that, while proceeding with this collaborative project has lengthened our timeline, the resulting facilities/complex will be even more exciting and impressive than either of us could have done alone.

As always, if you have additional questions or would like to talk more about the project, please feel free stop by my office anytime.  Again, thank you for your tremendous support and patience.



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